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Whole 30:Day 3

I hate sugar. HATE it. Maybe what I’m trying to say is I hate my addiction to the stuff.

Today was not complete torture but it wasn’t smooth sailing. Headaches have started up. And just like last time, after 3 days of no sugar, I’m not about to cheat now. I’m also sweating a lot more, but that could be the Alabama humidity. I went to the farmer’s market and for a quick run but it was a horrible run. I’m not stressing too bad because I know it’s the lack of sugar/carbs. I also know how much better I run when I’m eating strict Paleo. I miss those days. Hopefully in a few days, I’ll have my good running feelings back.

Breakfast was an apple, almond butter, and black coffee.

Lunch: Whole Foods salad bar. I got greens, grilled zucchini/green beans, carrots, cucumbers, olives, and cashews.

Dinner: A frequent favorite-salmon and roasted broccoli. Fresh lemon on the broccoli, and Peneys’ Herbs de Provence and a tiny sprinkle of Chipotle powder.
