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Whole 30 Day 7: All is Calm, All is Bright

I feel like I may have turned a corner in the dementia department. I woke up, slight headache, but I just felt happy. Maybe it was because I got a solid 8 hours. Maybe it was the sun. Maybe it was knowing I had another day off on Monday. Whatever it was, I didn’t want to immediately die when I woke up. Progress, y’all. Progress.

Breakfast# 1 was a banana. Breakfast #2 was sausage and 2 scrambled eggs. This was a great combo of carbs and protein. The banana left me hungry, but I loved the sweetness. The protein kept me going for most of the morning and afternoon.

I spent most of today working to take down the holiday stuff. I know it’s REALLY late, but this is the first available weekend to do it. It takes awhile to get down 4 trees, a houseful of merry and bright, and enough outside stuff to rival the Griswolds. I did take a nap  because it’s Sunday and that’s a great day for a long snooze. I can nap ANYWHERE. Seriously. Frankie was running everywhere, Stephen was inside and outside making a bunch of phone calls and the TV was showing all 3 Rambo movies back to back. I passed out for about an hour and woke up ready to take on the world.

Lunch was GREAT!!! Steak, vegetables, and sweet potato. Stephen grilled some steak and burgers last night and had some room for a couple of vegetable skewers.

For the skewers:

Cut zucchini, squash, mushrooms into same size pieces. Marinate in olive oil and red wine vinegar for 30 minutes. Put on skewers and place on hot grill. Turn twice to prevent (more) burning. Sprinkle with lemon pepper, if desired. The steak is marinated in all purpose Turkish seasoning (Penzeys) and grilled 4-5 minutes per side until desired state. These were thick tenderloins.

beef tenderloin

Unfortunately, Dinner was NOT Whole 30 compliant. I ate some fritoes and salsa. The salt alone was enough to bloat me for the next week. And the fritoes were not near as good as some roasted mushrooms would have been. I have no idea what I was thinking. I was at someone’s house and I knew I couldn’t eat the potato soup because it had flour. Without thinking, I grabbed a handful of chips that I knew were gluten-free and I finished them off in less than a minute.

Day 7 is gone. Week 2 starts tomorrow!