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Tuesday….take your best shot today.

I’m ready for it. It’s going to be a good day, no matter what the calendar reads.

It’s payday. It’s professional devp. day which means we get to eat lunch with ADULTS!!!! It’s Biggest Loser day. It’s manicure day. And clinique day (I go twice a year to replenish my face gunk). Oh, and I am going to register for 3 races today, all half-marathons. And line up hotels for those races. It’s the day before National Signing Day for college football (ahem….roll tide). And, I’m wearing pants that don’t fit. . . . a little loose. I also saw some cuts in my arms that signal I have muscles somewhere under that skin.

It’s also the day I woke up with a raging headache and rumbling stomach. The day after the faculty meeting that set all our hair on fire about the upcoming state dept. visit. The day after I resorted to lasagna in a box for dinner. The shame, I know.

BUT, then again, it’s 2 days after I got a phone call from mom that my small camera has been at their house and not thrown away in Christmas wrapping trash like I feared.

I think when I tally all that up, it’s still going to be a good day. I better get to it.
