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Subscription feed FAIL and other mishaps

This is just a nice warning and plea (begging on my knees) for any of you who entered your email on that nice form __________________________> over there that reads “subscribe by email”

will need to do it again.

My Feedblitz settings for that never really worked the way it was supposed to, and I had to start the whole thing over again. To make matters even worse, my saved file of subscribers is mysteriously missing as well. I’m sure I screwed something up. The new data and feed has been reset and all is up and running. I have successfully sent out 3 mailings to my 1 subscriber…which is me. So please, type in your email again and you will get updates when I post. And yes, I am getting back to regular posting of random stuff like why I’m sitting here 2 days before Christmas yanking my hair out over feed and email subscription settings. More recipes coming up and guess who ran 2.1 miles today? This girl. After she reset her feed settings. I sense a pattern with tech frustration and the need to feel some other form of pain. My lungs felt like a dusty pair of gloves that just had gnarled bony fingers trying to force their way in. Air hasn’t been to the bottom of my lungs in a very long time.

For those of you who have NOT subscribed to my posts by email, this is a great time to do so. You won’t get spammed, I promise. Or rather, Feedblitz promises and I pay them to make good on their promises.

Also, while I’m wearing the “tech consultant” hat, if you have been getting the floating ad thing when you click on my site while on a laptop/desktop, trust me, I did NOT plan for that to happen and I almost threw my laptop out the door when it first popped up. I’ve been in contact with my ad publisher about that one. The only ads should be on the sidebar. Those two little ads keep my shoe fund going each month and keeps Frankie in kitty treats, so I have to keep them up. It’s in Frankie’s contract. Smile


And hey, while I’m being all grateful and feeling blessed, THANK YOU for hanging with me these past few months. Dealing with dietary issues, not actually running or going to crossfit, random recipes that may not make sense or even look good because I was fuzzy on cough medicine, and the occasional product review is not exactly epic literary material. It IS, however, my life and thank you for sticking around to see what colossal disaster might happen next. Like wrapping presents. I’m terrible at it. TERRIBLE!!! My family needs this disclaimer below.