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Run Run Rudolph~One Step Wednesday

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Here comes the HOLI-CRAZY!

We are on the fast track to the last few days of the year and leading up to the big Christmas and New Year’s Eve parties. Food everywhere. Clothes that are getting a little snug with all the extra salt and sugar. Nobody wants the pass up the favorite treats that come around once a year. So, let’s get busy chasing Rudolph.

This is one of my favorite songs and I needed this little pick-me-up after being on the sidelines from being sick. I’m no longer a “beginner”, but at various times in my running life, I have had to go back to the basics. This is for beginners, those returning from injury, an “easy” shuffle for those in distance training, or those who want to make the leap from walking to running. In my particular case, nothing kills my lung function more than bronchitis and pneumonia. It is clearly a case of the legs are willing and more than able, but the lungs will not NOT behave. I did this workout and honestly, I struggled. My lungs, still congested, were on fire and I had a very hard time breathing.

For this one, the identifiers “briskly, slowly, and fast” are relative. The Intensity measure is the treadmill mph, but feel free to choose a higher mph for a starting point.

run run rudolph