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How does your garden grow?

Apparently over the course of two weeks during a drought.





And we have vegetables running everywhere!!

garden onionsmatersvegies

And sunflowers


While I enjoyed trying different cafes, pubs, and restaurants, I was ready to return to cooking my own food. Even in places that have a great selection of whole real food, sodium is often excessive. It’s time to deflate.



Tea in frosted glasses. Good to be home.


Michelle @ Turning Over a New Leaf

Wednesday 29th of June 2011

I'm jealous. Supernatural drought conditions in my neck of the woods and my plants are doing what plants do in consistent arid, 105 degree weather. Scorching and shriveling. My arugula very quickly bolted and went to seed. My mint is threatening to. My tomato plant is only just now considering the concept of actually fruiting something. My lavender looks less than stellar. I think my brussels sprouts are a lost cause.