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Too bad, it’s more of an “ice storm” day. I don’t care at this point. I’m so ready for spring, I’m going to spend my snow day picking out flip flops and filling in our race-vacation calendar.

James Spann nailed the forecast, almost down to the exact stretch of Interstate 20 where the ice stopped.

2015-03-05 17.09.27

I was awake at 6, but wasn’t really awake yet.

2015-03-05 07.23.27

Coffee in hand, much writing/blogging to do. And naps. And coughing. It never stops. I feel like I need a new set of lungs. I’ve blown these up.

2015-03-05 16.04.12   

The rest of the day, I alternated between all the windows and doors, watching the snow/sleet/coldwetcrap fall from the sky. It was (hopefully) the last gasp of winter and this Alabamian is ready for spring! Not summer…spring.