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And the tomato saga continues

What a long week this has been! The closer I get to race day and end of the school year, the slower time seems to drag. I’m in that strange limbo stage where I want more time to train, but also I’m so excited to race and I’m anxious for the day to get here. One reason may be due to the fact that a lot is riding on the outcome of this half. If it goes well, then I should be adequately prepared for the half marathon and mountain hikes in Colorado. If all goes well in Colorado, then I hope to rest up for a few weeks then cruise into *whisper* marathon training. My first one. But I’m getting WAY ahead of myself here.

Let’s get back to food. Much safer subject than silly marathons and reaching dreams and stepping stones to dreams. (Have I ever mentioned that my dream is not a’s a trail ultra marathon–30+miles. Yes, I’m insane).

Tomatoes are cool. I still eat them. I really can’t believe it. Of course, they must be cooked just right and only small cherry or grape tomatoes.

And my favorite way to eat them? On shrimp.



I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of tomatoes on shrimp, but it works for me.

Weekend..I’m so ready for you.